How to Remove Information or Documents from Companies House: A Comprehensive Guide - Jonathan Lea Network

How to Remove Information or Documents from Companies House: A Comprehensive Guide


Companies House is the official registrar of companies in the UK, holding detailed records of registered businesses and their officers. This includes information such as the registered address, date of incorporation, company status, names and details of current and past directors and secretaries, annual accounts, returns and other financial statements.

The register also includes documents related to changes in company structure, shareholder information and persons of significant control (shareholders with more than 25% of the company’s shares or voting rights), as well as records of insolvency proceedings.

However, there may be instances when you need to remove certain information or documents from their records. This could be due to outdated details, incorrect information or privacy concerns. In this guide, we will walk through the main steps involved in requesting the removal of information or documents from Companies House.

Understanding what can and cannot be removed

Not all information filed with Companies House can be removed or amended. Companies House is required to maintain transparency about company records for the benefit of the public. However, there are specific circumstances in which they will consider removing or suppressing information, including:

  1. If you believe that your personal details (such as your home address) are publicly accessible and pose a risk to your safety, you can request its removal or suppression;
  2. If there has been an error in filing documents, such as incorrect company details or officer information, you may apply to correct or replace the document;
  3. Companies House allows the removal of documents that have been filed in duplicate or that have been replaced by updated information;
  4. In rare cases, if sensitive information was inadvertently included in a filing, it may be possible to remove or redact that document;
  5. If the information in a document is false, it can be removed from the register;
  6. A document submitted without the company’s knowledge or authorisation can be removed; or
  7. If a document records a transaction that never occurred, it can be removed from the register.

Generally, documents that are part of the public record for transparency reasons (such as financial statements or annual returns) cannot be removed solely due to convenience.

Types of Removals and Application Processes

A. Removal of Personal Information

If you are concerned about your personal information, especially if you are a company director, you can apply to have certain details removed:

Directors can replace their residential address with a service address. If your home address has already been disclosed, you can apply to have it suppressed by using Form SR01. A fee may apply, and you will need to provide proof that your safety could be at risk.

If your full date of birth has been published, Companies House can replace this with only the month and year. You can request this through the Companies House online portal.

B. Correcting or Replacing Incorrect Information

If a document has been filed with incorrect information, you may be able to file a replacement or correction:

If the error is on a recent filing, you may simply refile the correct version with Companies House.

In cases where you cannot file a correction, you may need to contact Companies House directly to request the removal of the incorrect document. Specific forms such as Form RP02A are available for rectifying certain types of errors.

If you need to correct a minor inaccuracy in a previously filed document, you can use Form RP04. This form allows you to submit a second filing to correct inaccuracies in documents that were properly delivered. For example, if there was a typographical error in an officer’s service address, you can submit the corrected information using Form RP04.

C. Removing Duplicate or Superseded Documents

If a document has been filed in error or duplicated, you can request its removal:

For certain documents, like annual accounts, if filed in duplicate, you can request the removal of the unnecessary document. This request can usually be made by contacting Companies House directly or by filing an application through their online service.

In some cases, the removal process involves filing a replacement document. For example, if you’ve filed an incorrect set of accounts, you may need to file the correct version and Companies House will then remove the incorrect one.

D. Removing Confidential or Sensitive Documents

Occasionally, sensitive information may be mistakenly filed. In these cases, you will need to contact Companies House to explain the nature of the information and why it needs to be removed. You may need to provide supporting documentation to substantiate the request.

How to Make a Request

To make a request, you typically need to:

  1. Download and complete the appropriate form;
  2. Provide documentation. In some cases, supporting evidence is needed, such as proof of risk to personal safety or evidence of an error; and
  3. Submit the form. Forms and accompanying documents can be submitted online through the Companies House portal or by post.

You will also need to pay any applicable fees. Certain requests, such as those for suppression of personal data, may involve a fee. Fees are typically listed on the form or on the Companies House website.

What to Expect After Submitting Your Request

After submitting your request, Companies House will process it and may request additional information. Processing times vary, so check the Companies House website for current timelines.

If your request is approved, Companies House will update their records and you will receive confirmation once the changes have been made.

Disputes and Court Involvement

If there is a disagreement between two or more interested parties (e.g., two individuals claiming to be the sole director), the registrar may not be able to make a decision. In such cases, the parties will be advised to apply to the court for a declaration of fact, such as an order confirming the rightful director. The registrar will act on this declaration to remove false or unauthorised information.

The registrar may request that the matter be determined by the court in cases where:

  • The parties wish to remove documents recording a complex transaction;
  • It is unclear if a transaction was legally effective; or
  • The removal may affect third-party rights (e.g., investor rights).

This could be through a declaration (for false information or transactions that never occurred) or an order to remove the information under section 1096 of the Companies Act 2006, where appropriate. Companies House can work with you to agree on the form of any declaration or order.

Top Tips & How We Can Help

To minimise the risk of future issues arising when filing documents or information at Companies House, you should ensure that all documents filed with Companies House are accurate and free from confidential information.

Always double-check filings for errors and please feel free to reach out to us for assistance with any filings that are required. We would be more than happy to advise and guide you with all aspects of Companies House filings and related processes.

For further assistance, you can reach out to us at or call us on 01444 708640.

This article is intended for general information only, applies to the law at the time of publication, is not specific to the facts of your case and is not intended to be a replacement for legal advice. It is recommended that specific professional advice is sought before relying on any of the information given. © Jonathan Lea Limited. 

About Callum Ritchie

Callum has undergone a number of work placements with different law firms throughout his studies, gaining experience in a variety of practice areas. Callum studied at both undergraduate level and on the LPC, as well as previously working for start-ups in different industries, have given him a strong understanding of how to practically apply his knowledge of the law in a commercial context.

The Jonathan Lea Network is an SRA regulated firm that employs solicitors, trainees and paralegals who work from a modern office in Haywards Heath. This close-knit retain team is enhanced by a trusted network of specialist self-employed solicitors who, where relevant, combine seamlessly with the central team.

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