Rett Syndrome Cake Sale
Back in October 2021 we held a charity cake sale here at the Jonathan Lea Network in support of Rett UK, a charity close to our hearts. This was particularly in honour of our trainee solicitor, Elliott Le Warde’s sister Rosie in order to help raise awareness for Rett Syndrome during the charity’s October Awareness month.
Rett syndrome is a rare neurological disorder predominantly affecting women but can be found rarely in men, whereby a spontaneous genetic mutation at conception causes profound and multiple physical and communication disabilities. People with Rett syndrome are totally reliant on others for support throughout their lives. The charity, Rett UK, was founded in 1981 by Yvonne Milne MBE and has since grown to be the leading provider of information and support to families and medical professionals navigating Rett syndrome.
We were delighted to raise £135 which, when added to The Big Give Campaign, was doubled to bring the fundraising total for Rett UK to £270!
Rett UK work tirelessly to advocate for better outcomes for people with Rett syndrome in health, social care and education – and with support all over the UK they raised a phenomenal £25,826 for their project ‘Rett UK Advocacy, Achieving the Best Outcomes!’ This is wonderful news and we were thrilled to be a part of this effort.
Our thanks to all of you that came along and supported the drive, and enjoyed some of the wonderful cakes we had on offer.
Elliott Le Warde added “It was a real privilege to have the firm support this charity on our behalf and I’m very grateful to everyone involved for their kindness towards Rosie and Rett UK. I hope to have many more opportunities to raise awareness and funds for this much needed charity.”